Why a contract with your clients is a must in your Transaction Coordinator business

... and how to get one on a budget.

I see it all the time. New Transaction Coordinators starting their business, setting everything up, and focusing on the wrong things. I see them focusing on things  like “what should I name my business?” or “What should my logo look like?”

I mean yes, those are important things you need to decide on in your business. But one of the most crucial things you need in any service-based business such as Real Estate Transaction Coordinating is a contract with your clients.

You may be saying to yourself:

  • It’s not that important because I am just starting out.
  • I’ll wait to get my first few clients then I’ll invest in a contract written by an attorney.
  • It’s going to be wayyyy too expensive to hire an attorney to customize a contract. for my business so I will just skip it for now.
  • [Insert any other excuse you have here]

I can see where you are coming from but the reality is if you are serious about your Transaction Coordinator business, then you need to be serious about getting your business foundations set up correctly.

Having a contract for your clients to sign protects you from lawsuits and spells out all the legalities such as your compensation, late payment fee, independent contractor status, and so much more.

Why are these things important?

  1. It’s important to know your financial and legal interests are protected.
  2. You can sleep at night knowing your business is protected.
  3. You can focus on other important things like getting more clients.

I have saved a ton of money in my business using legal templates over the years and I felt so much better having the legalities in place for my website and business at a price I could afford.

I came up with a cost-effective solution for my students in the Transaction Coordinator Bootcamp that wanted a more customized legal contract written especially just for them plus a whole business legal bundle (more on the bundle later in this post) to protect their business all around.

I met attorney Amy Nesheim from Artful Contracts this past last year from a Facebook online business group we are both in.

I purchased several of her legal templates for my own business and website. I was a little nervous but I jumped in anyway and I can tell you her legal templates are ahhhmazing and an incredible value

Then I got this brilliant idea!

I contacted Amy and ask if I could hire her to create and customize a special contract for my Transaction Coordinator Bootcamp students and other independent Transaction Coordinators that need a solid contract with their clients at an affordable price. 

I am proud to announce to have partnered with Amy so I can bring these legal directly to you without any middle person involved. These are solely available in my TC Shop and NOWHERE else.

There is NOTHING out there like this. Seriously, you guys, nothing. If you were to hire an attorney to customize a contract for yourself and your business (which many do) you would spend 5X the amount of the price of this template.

Did I say NOTHING out there like this already??

I have been surprised to see how many Transaction Coordinators are not even using a contract with their clients and relying on the honor system. That's what gets you into trouble, my friend!

Amy and I got on a Zoom call and had a consultation to go over exactly what type of service a Transaction Coordinator provides and what things would need to be in the contract that is specific to the Transaction Coordinator and real estate industry. 

Voila! That’s how the Real Estate Transaction Coordinator Service Agreement Template was born!


Learn all the details and get your TC Service Agreement Template Here

The Real Estate Transaction Coordinator Service Agreement Contract Template is 8 pages long and has 20+ provisions that are covered in the contract to keep you and your biz legally covered. These are a few things that are covered in the contract:


Not only do you get the Real Estate Transaction Coordinator Services agreement Template, but you also get THE TC GUIDE  that walks you through how exactly to customize the template for your business.

Just an hour of consultation with a lawyer will cost you a minimum of $250/hr and if you were to hire a lawyer to write this contract for you, it would cost you anywhere from $750 - $1,200!!

Or you can grab the WHOLE Legal Bundle for your 

Transaction Coordinator Business

Get Your TC Legal Bundle Here

After we talked about the Services Agreement, we started to talk about what other legal templates that Transaction Coordinators would need in their business and we came up with a special bundle package

Again there is NOTHING out there like this. Seriously, this is an amazing value.

This bundle includes the TC contract AND has even more contracts that are a must-have for your business.

Here is what the Transaction Coordinator Legal Bundle includes:

  • Transaction Coordinator Service Agreement Contract Template
  • Single Member LLC Operating Agreement Template
  • Transaction Coordinator Non-compete Agreement
  • Independent Contractor Service Agreement Template
  • Website Terms and Conditions Template
  • Website GDPR Compliant Privacy Policy Template 
  • Website Disclaimer Template 

This Real Estate Transaction Coordinator Legal Bundle Template is an amazing value at a fraction of the price.

You can get this bundle for a fraction of the price here.

If you want quick and easy customizable legal templates to protect you and your business then look no further. 

Using legal templates in my own business has made me very proud to offer you a choice of legal templates to protect your Transaction Coordinator Business. 

I have done all the expensive upfront work to bring you quality legal templates for your TC business at a fraction of the price you would pay an attorney to customize these for you.

I believe in these templates provide immense value at an affordable price and that is why I have done all the heavy lifting to bring these to the real estate industry especially for Real Estate Transaction Coordinators and their businesses. 

Nothing is more important than first and foremost having a contract with your real estate agent clients.

Now there is no excuse to be able to afford the legal expertise to make sure your business is protected from the very beginning.

Here are a few other blog posts that I know you'll love!

3 Reasons you should raise your Transaction Coordinator fees

How to price your Transaction Coordinator Services

3 Simple strategies to get clients for your Transaction Coordinator Business

Get your FREE copy of the TC's Ultimate Checklist and Starter Kit here


If you have any questions about this or anything else feel free to contact me at hello@inspiredhouseandhome.com.


Hi, I'm


I help women like you launch and grow their own real estate transaction coordinator business from the comfort of their own home (PJs optional) — so you can be in full control of your schedule, financially support your family, and create a life you love.



Get The

Ultimate Real Estate Transaction Coordinator Starter Guide